Monday, December 15, 2008

Letter from Terri Lancaster (in response to Lisa Marshall)

Good Morning Mrs. Marshall,

Thank you for your reply regarding my concerns. I wasn't sure if anyone even received my e-mail since I have not had a single response to my letter from anyone on the committee. That does disturb me. I also find it hard to sit back and do nothing while this process speeds on by without the public knowing about it. We are people with a vested interest in our children's education. Since you are not technically involved in the process, and the people who are don't respond to my concerns, who then do I turn to?

I do have a story that matters. My daughter Sarah is a 7th grader at Byrd Middle school. She has Down Syndrome which makes her life much harder than yours or mine. She has friends in Pindale Farms, Gates Head, Springtree and Rockstone that she has always gone to school with. Sarah has always ridden the bus with and gone to school with her typical peers. This is her life. As a parent I can send her to school and know that the bus driver who has know her for 7 years will look out for her. I know the students that have been in class with her know how to help her through times of confusion. I know these peers will get help for her when she needs it. Sarah's life is being part of her community and going to school with her neighbors. It has taken us years to develop these relationships and they mean everything to Sarah. How can I stand idly by and allow this committee to destroy Sarah's world. We are the real people that are being affected.

Below is Sarah with her Dad. She is a resident in Oldhouse Run and wants to remain with her peers along the Pemberton Road corridor. Please keep our children at Godwin. Do not rezone our neighborhood to Tucker!!!!!!!


Terri Lancaster
9601 January Way
census number 0620819

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