Monday, February 16, 2009

Latest HCPS District Maps

The HCPS Redistricting Subcommittees met last week to further adjust the draft boundary maps and consider recommended changes offered by the County's consultant, Cropper GIS.

Per Cropper, feeder patterns from ES and MS maps and community feedback were taken into consideration when developing two HS scenarios - both of which put OHR at Freeman - not Godwin. Again, we don't even have a Godwin option on the table.

Click here to view the two newest map "pairings" that overlay proposed ES, MS and HS boundaries.

The maps aren't easy to decifer, but read as follows:

Pairing #1: OHR at Davis ES, Byrd MS and Freeman HS

Pairing #2: OHR at Pemberton ES, Byrd MS and Freeman HS

The entire Pemberton Corridor (westside) would be at Byrd MS and Freeman HS under these scenarios.

OHR is the only neighborhood to flip between Davis ES and Pemberton ES in these scenarios - otherwise, the rest of the neighborhoods along the Pemberton Corridor stay at their current Elementary School.

If you haven't written to Lisa Marshall in a while, NOW is the time to drop her a line. Our communications have dropped off and it shows!

Squeaky wheel - remember. So let's start squeaking LOUDLY again.

Keep the Pemberton Corridor Together - Keep us at Godwin!

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