Monday, March 30, 2009

And so it goes...

As expected, last week the HS redistricting subcommittee revised the 2 pairings they had been considering opting to move the entire Pemberton Corridor to Freeman HS in Pairing #1.

OHR and the Pemberton Corridor remain at Godwin in Pairing #2... at least, for now.

This is all the more reason for us to continue communicating with County decision makers in SUPPORT of Pairing #2! If you have a few minutes, please drop an email to Lisa Marshall and copy the following people:

Keep the message simple. Suggested points to mention include:

1. Our history and work to build community at Godwin HS
2. Continuity of academic and athletic programs between Byrd MS and Godwin HS
3. Godwin's projected student capacity drops in 2013, following "grandfathering" of students beginning in 2010
4. Support for Pairing #2!

We are planning a new round of community activities for OHR to get involved - more info to come.

In the meantime, here are a few important dates to mark on your calendar!

April 23: Redistricting Subcommittee to deliver recommendations to School Board

May 13-14: School Board Public Hearings (VERY IMPORTANT!!!!)

May 28: FINAL School Board Vote

Stay tuned for more information and updates.

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